Harmful effect of mobile phone on child health

 The harmful effect of mobile phones on child health


There are many harmful effects but we discuss here Few:

  • Increased or may Be decreased mental activity
  • Effects on behavior 
  • Effect on body 
  • Effect on parent-children relationship 
  • Possibility of expression 
  • Laziness
  • Produce anger
  • Overweight 
  • Induce different types of disease
  • Carelessness 
  • screen time 
  • Cyberbullying 

Cell phone addiction can result in eardrum damage. It increases the risk of ear problems.

It also affects on eyes. This vision problem is known as computer vision syndrome.

From childhood to teenage, there is a development of the brain and mental activity. Many cases of child cell phone addiction have been reported. Children become more aggressive and become inflexible.

In the age of technology and digital media, children are more attached to mobile and their screens.Mobile gaming is also effects the child mental health. 

In this way, screen time is most important because screen time tells, how a person consumes time watching the mobile screen.

It increases the risk of blindness. Due to more engagement in screen and watching different types of videos. It affects brain activity. These things have no concern for the child's life and their development.

 Cell phones have become an alarming threat to every parent.

No one care about it. But with time, it produces serious health hazards in child life.

It should be understanding by everyone. Mobile and digital equipment are used in the proper time to a proper way.

 Nowadays, this problem is present in every home. Most people, especially child spend more time on the screen instead of physical activities. We should manage the limitation of cell phone addiction. In this way, we save our children.

Another effect is on the parent-child relationship. It produces a gap between the relation of the child to other their siblings and relatives.

It increases the risk of muscle pain while someone is texting. It produces pain in your thumb and elbow. When you are not using your phone, your brain is worrying about it. It induced stress and anxiety in you.

Most people think that they are more connected to social media. But a recent study found that it decreases pro-social behavior. ( your ability to connect person to person more confidently)

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