Easy treatment for toothache in a minute


Effective treatment to Kill a Toothache In a Minute

There are some ways to kill a toothache in a minute.

A toothache is something we have all

experienced at least once in our

lifetime more than that over 90% of

adults have some kind of tooth decay, there are more than affordable treatment methods.

 you can try it at home. 

Ice cubes 

A cold compress is effective for any kind of pain when anyone is feeling pain. 

The use an ice cubes and wrap it with a cotton cloth. The ice cubes then

placed this on the affected tooth for 15

minutes. when you do this, your brain will receive

the cold signals from your finger nerves

and those will be stronger than pain

signals the cold compress also reduces

inflammation and swelling.

 peppermint tea

if you don't like the cold instead

peppermint tea smells great and has some

numbing properties add 1 TSP of dry

peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling

water. let it boil for 20 minute. the water mixture is used to rinse mouth.

Teabags will also have the same properties. Just boil and let it cool and apply it to the throbbing area.

Note that this remedy is totally

safe but only has a very temporary


Hydrogen peroxide 

hydrogen Peroxide will help you manage

the discomfort can not only reduce

plaque but also clean the mouth. it act as a

mouthwash. Take 3% of

hydrogen peroxide with equal parts mixed with water,

do not swallow it. once you spit it out

make sure your mouth Is rinsed  with pure


 clove or clove oil 

 Clove used as as spice.It also a powerful

healer clove has been treating tooth

aches for ages. It has eugenol which

is a natural antiseptic. It has been

widely used in Audi Evita and Chinese

medicine. Clove is also used for

the production of toothpaste and

mouthwashes. Take a small amount of

powdered cloves on the tooth or chew

the whole clove .A small amount of oil is released. Take a tiny amount of

clove oil about two drops and place it

on the affected area and tell the pain

subsides. It's an effective temporary

solution for dental emergencies.

 guava leaves 

The leaves are anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial they

not only alleviate toothaches but also

relieve mouth ulcers and swollen gums.First

 chew a leaf or two until

the juice starts working on the

effective tooth. Take a few guavas

leaves into boiling water allow the

liquid to cool.

then add a pinch of sea salt use this

the solution as a mouthwash time

another remedy tested by time and

ancient Egyptians themselves not only is

it a popular spice but a powerful

medication that can treat acne and help

lower your blood pressure and it's

antibacterial and antioxidant properties.


It has antibacterial

properties that offer both short-term

and long-term benefits while preventing

tooth decay and pain for best results

chew wheatgrass directly or use its

juice as a mouthwash removes toxins

from gums and supplies them with

important nutrients and also reduces

bacterial growth. It also gives you fresh


it's chlorophyll packed with amino acids,

vitamins, calcium, and hundreds of enzymes

only found in it. All this makes it a

great natural remedy for gum disease and

other unpleasant conditions.


garlic is very famous and used for its diverse medical

properties it kills harmful bacteria and

works as a pain reliever. the best

approach to using it place it on the

effective area or chew it slowly

repeat this natural treatment for a few

days until the pain is gone. in case you

are having doubts about this remedy

because of the odor of garlic

give you think of the powerful effect. 


saltwater is a natural disinfectant. It is an effective remedy to cure a

toothache. Take a 1/2 tablespoon of salt added  into a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash.

It cleans the area around the toothache. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth with salt

water in addition to your regular dental

routine to keep your teeth healthy.


Onion contains phytochemicals that

target the germs responsible for the

infection . The best approach to use it is to

cut off a small piece of the onion and chew it

on the side of your mouth.It allows the juice from the onion to penetrate tooth .

Remember that the more pungent the onion

is the stronger the healing effect. The sweet onions won't be as powerful as

red or yellow onion. It gives you soothing effects.

for example, if you are at an important even or in a traffic jam try applying acupressure pressing certain points can help to release important

feel-good hormones called endorphins .you can try one

of the following points press and hold

the point behind your outer ankle bone

for a minute with your fingertip. Don't

press too hard. on the other hand do it moderately

for around 10 minutes.

Note that the remedies mentioned in this

description will give you a temporary effect

and won't cure your toothache completely. find out and

eliminate the cause of your toothache if

it comes back to you if you're pregnant

breastfeeding or have any medical

a condition that may be impacted by herbal

treatment please consult the dentist

before using these remedies. In the first

the place do you have any personal

favorites when it comes to killing

toothaches feel free to let us know in

the comments section if you found this

description helpful give it a like and share

with your friends.

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